RealmGrinder вики
Realm grinder trophies tab

Трофеи - это награды Realm Grinder. Есть хорошая причина, чтобы получать их: почти все они вознаграждают в виде улучшений; и количество трофеев, которые у вас есть, влияют на многие улучшения, такие как строительные улучшения Зала легенд, несколько фракционных улучшений Демонов, состязания, исследовательские улучшения, и так далее.
Вы открываете их путем выполнения заданий, которые становятся сложнее в нескольких областях игры. Ниже приведены таблицы с требованиями разблокировки.
Однажды разблокировав трофеи, они остаются, сквозь отречения и перевоплащения!

Трофеи: Общее
Трофеи расположены по категориям так, как показано в игре. (Опция "Не показывать трофеи по категориям" отключена).

PA = Post Ascension Trophies

Трофеи: присяги [26]

  • Чемпион фракции: Для каждой фракции купите все их 12 улучшений в одной игре.
  • Великий чемпион фракции: для каждой фракции улучшите их Родословную на 20 уровень и купите все три их соответствующие способности Родословной.

Трофеи: прочее [141]

  • Монеты[20]: Получить монеты от 1,000 до 1 Ocg (1E243) за одну игру
  • Монеты за щелчки [19]: Получи 100, 1K, 1M, 1B, 1T, 1Qa, 1Qi, 1Sx, 1Sp, 1Ud, 1Qad, 1Spd, 1Vg, 1Qivg, 1Tg, 1Qitg, 1Qag, 1Qig и 1SxSxg монет за щелчки за одну игру
  • Щелчки[9]: Коснись ландшафта 100, 500, 1,000, 2,500, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000 за одну игру
  • Монеты фракции [18]: Найди 1, 50, 250, 1k, 5k, 10k, 50k, 100k, 500k, 1M, 100M, 1B, 100B, 1T, 100T, 1Qa, 1Qi, 1Sx FCs.Монет фракции за одну игру
  • Помощники[13]: Получи 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000 помощников.
  • Артефакты[6]: Найди 1, 5, 10, 20, 35 и 50 Артефактов(за все время).
  • Самоцветы[23]: Получи 1, 50, 150, 500, 1k, 5k, 15k, 50k, 100k, 1B, 1Qa, 1Sx, 1No, 1Dd, 1Qid, 1Ocd, 1Uvg, 1Qavg, 1Spvg, 1Tg, 1Ttg, 1Sxtg, 1Uqag Самоцветов.
  • Рубины[4]: Получи 1, 10, 25 и 50 Рубинов(за все время).
  • Улучшения[11]: Купи 1, 5, 15, 30, 50, 85, 120, 175, 235, 305, 385 Улучшений за одну игру
  • Перевоплощения[16]: Перевоплотись 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 60 раз
  • Прочее [2]

Трофеи: магия [49]

  • Мана [18]: Произвести 200, 2k, 5k, 10k, 20k, 100k, 200k. 2M, 6M, 12M, 20M, 30M, 50M, 200M, 1B, 20B, 60B маны.
  • Использование заклинаний [14]: Использований 10, 100, 500, 1k, 2k, 5k, 20k, 50k, 100k, 200k, 500k, 1M, 50M, 1B заклинаний в одной игре.
  • Трофеи уровней заклинания (PA) [4]: Разблокировать уровень 2, 3, 4, 5 для всех заклинаний.
  • Трофеи заклинаний [13] - 1 для Сбора налогов и для каждого заклинания фракции.

Трофеи: строительство [538]

  • Количество зданий одного типа [25x20]: Построить 1, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000, 3,500, 5,000, 7500, 12000 для каждого типа здания в одной игре.
  • Всего построек [12]: Построить 100, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 3k, 5k, 8k, 12k, 20k, 35k, 50k, 125k зданий в одной игре.

Секретные трофеи [64]


Трофеи присяги[]

Присяга- 14 Трофеев
Название Разблокировать(требования)
Fairychampion Фея-чемпион Купите все улучшения Фей (в одной игре).
Elvenchampion Эльф-чемпион Купите все улучшения Эльфов.
Angelchampion Ангел-чемпион Купите все улучшения Ангелов.
Goblin champion trophy Гоблин-чемпион Купите все улучшения Гоблинов.
Undead champion trophy Нежить-чемпион Купите все улучшения Вурдалаков.
Demon champion trophy Демон-чемпион Купите все улучшения Демонов.
Titan champion trophy Титан-чемпион Купите все улучшения Титанов.
Druid champion trophy Друид-чемпион Купите все улучшения Друидов.
Faceless champion trophy Безликий-чемпион Купите все улучшения Безликих.
Dwarven champion trophy Гном-чемпион Купите все улучшения Гномов.
Drow champion trophy Драу-чемпион Купите все улучшения Трау.
Mecenary champion trophy Наёмник-чемпион Купите все улучшения Наемников.
DragonChampionTrophy Дракон-чемпион(РА) Купите все улучшения Драконов.
MercOath Клятва наемника "Ты становишься наемником до конца дней своих."
Стать Наемником в первый раз.
Lineages (PA) - 12 Trophies


FairyGCT Fairy Grand Champion Purchase all three Fairy Lineage perks.
ElfGCT Elven Grand Champion Purchase all three Elven Lineage perks.
AngelGCT Angel Grand Champion Purchase all three Angel Lineage perks.
GoblinGCT Goblin Grand Champion Purchase all three Goblin Lineage perks.
UndeadGCT Undead Grand Champion Purchase all three Undead Lineage perks.
DemonGCT Demon Grand Champion Purchase all three Demon Lineage perks.
TitanGCT Titan Grand Champion Purchase all three Titan Lineage perks.
DruidGCT Druid Grand Champion Purchase all three Druid Lineage perks.
FacelessGCT Faceless Grand Champion Purchase all three Faceless Lineage perks.
DwarfGCT Dwarven Grand Champion Purchase all three Dwarven Lineage perks.
DrowGCT Drow Grand Champion Purchase all three Drow Lineage perks.
DragonGCT Dragon Grand Champion Purchase all three Dragon Lineage perks.

Прочие трофеи[]

Монеты - 20 Трофеев
Название Разблокировать(требования)
Тысяча Монет Получи 1,000 монет за одну игру
Миллион Монет Получи 1 M (1E6) монет за одну игру
Миллиард Монет Получи 1 B (1E9) монет за одну игру
Триллион Монет Получи 1 T (1E12) монет за одну игру
Квадриллион Монет Получи 1 Qa(1E15) монет за одну игру
Квинтильон Монет Получи 1 Qi (1E18) монет за одну игру
Секстиллион Монет Получи 1 Sx (1E21) монет за одну игру
Септиллион Монет Получи 1 Sp (1E24) монет за одну игру
Октиллион Монет Получи 1 Oc (1E27) монет за одну игру
Нониллион Монет Получи 1 No (1E30) монет за одну игру
Дециллион Монет Получи 1 Dc (1E33) монет за одну игру
Countless Coins Получи  монет за одну игру
Infinite Coins Получи  монет за одну игру
Unlimited Coins Получи  монет за одну игру
Endless Coins Получи  монет за одну игру
Coins Galore Получи  монет за одну игру
Coin Multiplication Получи  монет за одну игру
Coin Hemisphere Получи  монет за одну игру
Coin World Получи  монет за одну игру
Coin Universe Получи  монет за одну игру
Coins by Clicking - 19 Trophies


Treasure Clicker Gain 100 coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Finder Gain 1,000 coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Digger Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Hunter Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Seeker Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Master Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Hero Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Legend Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Grinder Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Breaker Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Smasher Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure destroyer Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Annihilator Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Disintegrator Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Ender Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Unmaker Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Nullifier Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Wrecker Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Treasure Obliterator Gain Шаблон:NumberInline coins by clicking in a single game
Clicks - 9 Trophies


A Clicking Start Click the background 100 Times in a single game.
Clicking More Click the background 500 Times in a single game.
Click Clock Click the background 1,000 Times in a single game.
Clicking Forward Click the background 2,500 Times in a single game.
Clicking Frenzy Click the background 5,000 Times in a single game.
World of Clicks Click the background 10,000 Times in a single game.
The Clicky Way Click the background 20,000 Times in a single game.
Clicker Eternal Click the background 50,000 Times in a single game.
Realm Clicker Click the background 100,000 Times in a single game.
Монеты фракции - 18 трофеев


1 монета фракции Найди монеты фракции (1) за одну игру.
50 монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (50) за одну игру.
250 монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (250) за одну игру.
1000 монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (1000) за одну игру.
5000 монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (5000) за одну игру.
10000 монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (10000) за одну игру.
50000 монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (50000) за одну игру.
100000 монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (100000) за одну игру.
500000 монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (500000) за одну игру.
1 миллион монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (1 М) за одну игру.
100 миллионов монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (100 М) за одну игру.
1 миллиард монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (1 B) за одну игру.
100 миллиардов монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (100 B) за одну игру.
1 триллион монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (1 T) за одну игру.
100 триллионов монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (100 T) за одну игру.
1 квадриллион монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (1 Qa) за одну игру.
1 квинтильон монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (1 Qi) за одну игру.
1 сикстильон монет фракции Найди монеты фракции (1 Sx) за одну игру.
Помощники - 13 трофеев


Assistant solo Получи помощников (1) (в одной игре).
Группа помощников Получи помощников (10).
Помощник коммандос Получи помощников (50).
Отряд помощников Получи помощников (100).
Армия помощников Получи помощников (200).
Легион помощников Получи помощников (300).
Орда помощников Получи помощников (500).
Хозяин помощников Получи помощников (1000).
Assistant Clump Получи помощников (2000).
Нация помощников Получи помощников (5000).
Королевство помощников Получи помощников (10000).
Континент помощников Получи помощников (25000).
Мир помощников Получи помощников (50000).
Артефакты - 6 трофеев


Артефакты (1) Найди артефакты (1) (За все время).
Артефакты (5) Найди артефакты (5).
Артефакты (10) Найди артефакты (10).
Артефакты (20) Найди артефакты (20).
Артефакты (35) Найди артефакты (35).
Артефакты (50) Найди артефакты (50).
Gems - 23 Trophies


1 Gem Gain 1 Gem (Total)
50 Gems Gain 50 Gems
150 Gems Gain 150 Gems
500 Gems Gain 500 Gems
1000 Gems Gain 1,000 Gems
5000 Gems Gain 5,000 Gems
15000 Gems Gain 15,000 Gems
50000 Gems Gain 50,000 Gems
100000 Gems Gain 100,000 Gems
1 Billion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Quadrillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Sextillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Nonillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Duodecillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Quindecillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Octodecillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Unvigintillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Quadravigintillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Septenvigintillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Trigintillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Tretrigintillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Sextrigintillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
1 Unquadragintillion Gems Gain Шаблон:NumberInline Gems
Рубины - 4 Трофея


1 Рубин Собрать 1 рубин. (За все время)
10 Рубинов Собрать 10 рубинов. (За все время)
25 Рубинов Собрать 25 рубинов. (За все время)
50 Рубинов Собрать 50 рубинов. (За все время)
Upgrades - 11 Trophies


1 Upgrade Purchase 1 Upgrade (in a single game)
5 Upgrades Purchase 5 Upgrades
15 Upgrades Purchase 15 Upgrades
30 Upgrades Purchase 30 Upgrades
50 Upgrades Purchase 50 Upgrades
85 Upgrades Purchase 85 Upgrades
120 Upgrades Purchase 120 Upgrades
175 Upgrades Purchase 175 Upgrades
235 Upgrades Purchase 235 Upgrades
305 Upgrades Purchase 305 Upgrades
385 Upgrades Purchase 385 Upgrades
Reincarnations - 16 Trophies


Файл:Trophy-R1.png 1 Reincarnation Reincarnate 1 time
Файл:Trophy-R3.png 3 Reincarnations Reincarnate 3 times
Файл:Trophy-R5.png 5 Reincarnations Reincarnate 5 times
Файл:Trophy-R7.png 7 Reincarnations Reincarnate 7 times
Файл:Trophy-R10.png 10 Reincarnations Reincarnate 10 times
Файл:Trophy-R12.png 12 Reincarnations Reincarnate 12 times
Файл:Trophy-R15.png 15 Reincarnations Reincarnate 15 times
Файл:Trophy-R20.png 20 Reincarnations Reincarnate 20 times
Файл:Trophy-R25.png 25 Reincarnations Reincarnate 25 times
Файл:Trophy-R30.png 30 Reincarnations Reincarnate 30 times
Файл:Trophy-R35.png 35 Reincarnations Reincarnate 35 times
Файл:Trophy-R40.png 40 Reincarnations (PA) Ascend 1 time
Файл:Trophy-R45.png 45 Reincarnations (PA) Reincarnate 45 times
Файл:Trophy-R50.png 50 Reincarnations (PA) Reincarnate 50 times
Файл:Trophy-R60.png 60 Reincarnations (PA) Reincarnate 60 times
Разное - 2 Трофея


Trophy-Archaeology-Expedition Археологическая


You have funded an archaeology expedition to find relics of the Ancient Races. (Excavate for 1st time.)
Clouded В облаках Register your realm in the Cloud Service!
("Cloud options" in the Options)

Трофеи: Магия[]

Мана — 10 трофеев

Требования к разблокировке

Капля маны Произведи 200 ед. маны.
Дождь из маны Произведи 2.000 ед. маны.
Приток маны Произведи 5.000 ед. маны.
Фонтан маны произведи 10.000 ед. маны.
Ливень маны Произведи 20.000 ед. маны.
Поток маны Произведи 100.000 ед. маны.
Заводь маны Произведи 200.000 ед. маны.
Волна маны Произведи 20 М ед. маны.

Может быть разблокирован только после Восхождения 1 при Перевоплощении 40+.

Река маны Произведи 1 B ед. маны.

Может быть разблокирован только после Восхождения 1 при Перевоплощении 40+.

Озеро маны Произведи 20 B ед. маны.

Может быть разблокирован только после Восхождения 1 при Перевоплощении 40+.

Заклинания — 14 Трофеев
Наименование Требования к разблокировки
Магический пользователь Произнеси 10 заклинаний за одну игру.
Магический злоупотребитель Произнеси 100 заклинаний за одну игру.
Виртуоз заклинаний Произнеси 500 заклинаний за одну игру.
Сливающий ману Произнеси 1.000 заклинаний за одну игру.
Удаляющий ману Произнеси 2.000 заклинаний за одну игру.
Автопроизноситель Произнеси 5.000 заклинаний за одну игру.
Рассылатель заклинаний Произнеси 20.000 заклинаний за одну игру.
Уничтожающий ману Произнеси 50.000 заклинаний за одну игру.
Мастер-направитель Произнеси 100.000 заклинаний за одну игру.
Величайший заклинатель Произнеси 200.000 заклинаний за одну игру.
Превосходство заклинаний Произнеси 500.000 заклинаний за одну игру.
Грандиозный автопроизноситель Произнеси 1 M заклинаний за одну игру.
Ткач заклинаний Произнеси 50 M заклинаний за одну игру.
Заклятый колдун Произнеси 1 B заклинаний за одну игру.
Автопроизношение заклинаний — 8 трофеев
Наименование Требования к разблокировки
Файл:Autocast1 upgrade.png Автоматическое произношение Получи 60.000 маны и открой улучшение «Автоматическое произношение».
Файл:Autocast2 upgrade.png Улучшенное автопроизношение Получи 2 M маны и открой улучшение «Улучшенное автопроизношение».
Файл:Autocast3 upgrade.png Мастерское автопроизношение Получи 6 M маны и открой улучшение «Мастерское автопроизношение».
Файл:Autocast4 upgrade.png Приоритетное автопроизношение Получи 12 M маны и открой улучшение «Приоритетное автопроизношение».
Файл:Autocast-5-Contingency.png Чрезвычайное автопроизношение Получи 20 M маны и открой улучшение «Чрезвычайное автопроизношение».
Файл:Autocast-6-Planned.png Запланированное автопроизношение Получи 30 M маны и открой улучшение «Запланированное автопроизнощение».
Файл:Autocast-7-Efficient.png Эффективное автопроизношение Получи 50 M маны и открой улучшение «Эффективное автопроизношение».
Файл:Autocast8 upgrade.png Поэтапное автопроизношение (PA) Получи 200 M маны и открой улучшение «Поэтапное автопроизношение».

Может быть разблокирован только после Восхождения 1 при Перевоплощении 40+.

Tier spells (PA) - 4 Trophies
Name Unlock Requirement
Arcane Brilliance 1 Unlock tier 2 for all spells
Arcane Brilliance 2 Unlock tier 3 for all spells
Arcane Brilliance 3 Unlock tier 4 for all spells
Arcane Brilliance 4 Unlock tier 5 for all spells
Spells - 13 Trophies
Name Unlock Requirement
Файл:Coin Pillage.png Coin Pillage Default Spell: Cast 30 Tax Collection spells in less than 5 seconds.
Fairy Choir Fairy Choir Fairy Spell: Cast Fairy Chanting while having 45 or more assistants.
Sun Blessing Sun Blessing Elven Spell: Activate the Moon Blessing spell after 6 am and before 12 pm (noon).
Файл:God's Rest.png God's Rest Angel Spell: Cast God's Hand on any Sunday.
Файл:Greed Drive.png Greed Drive Goblin Spell: Cast 100 Goblin's Greed spells in a row while not casting any other spell).
Note: Spell casts from the Goblin's Central Bank upgrade are included in the [stats], but they do not count for this trophy.
Файл:True Night.png True Night Undead Spell: Activate the Night Time spell after 11 pm and before 6 am.
Hell-rush-spell-upgrade Hell Rush Demon Spell: Cast Hellfire Blast in the first 60 seconds of playtime.
Файл:Lightning Storm.png Lightning Storm Titan Spell: Cast Lightning Strike 100 times in a single game.
Файл:Halls Of Balance.png Halls of Balance Druid Spell: Have Grand Balance affect Hall of Legends.
Файл:Faceless-Overmind-spell-upgrade.png Faceless Overmind Faceless Spell: Affiliate with the Faceless 5 times in a row. (Buy Faceless Trade Treaty 5x in a row)
Файл:Minedwarf.png Minedwarf Dwarf Spell: Find 30,000 Faction Coins from Diamond Pickaxe in a single game.
Файл:Perfect Combo.png Perfect Combo Drow Spell: Cast a chain of 100 Combo Strikes in a single game. The chain is interrupted by casting a different spell.
Файл:Dragons Roar.png Dragon's Roar (PA) Dragon Spell: Cast Dragon's Breath while having at least 4 other active spells.

Building Trophies[]

Building Types - 25x21 Trophies
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Farm Build 1 Farm (in a single game)
50 Farms Build 50 Farms
100 Farms Build 100 Farms
150 Farms Build 150 Farms
200 Farms Build 200 Farms
300 Farms Build 300 Farms
400 Farms Build 400 Farms
500 Farms Build 500 Farms
600 Farms Build 600 Farms
700 Farms Build 700 Farms
800 Farms Build 800 Farms
900 Farms Build 900 Farms
1000 Farms Build 1000 Farms
1500 Farms Build 1500 Farms
2000 Farms Build 2000 Farms
2500 Farms Build 2500 Farms
3000 Farms Build 3000 Farms
3500 Farms Build 3500 Farms
5000 Farms Build 5000 Farms
7500 Farms Build 7500 Farms
12000 Farms Build 12000 Farms
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Inn Build 1 Inn
50 Inns Build 50 Inns
100 Inns Build 100 Inns
150 Inns Build 150 Inns
200 Inns Build 200 Inns
300 Inns Build 300 Inns
400 Inns Build 400 Inns
500 Inns Build 500 Inns
600 Inns Build 600 Inns
700 Inns Build 700 Inns
800 Inns Build 800 Inns
900 Inns Build 900 Inns
1000 Inns Build 1000 Inns
1500 Inns Build 1500 Inns
2000 Inns Build 2000 Inns
2500 Inns Build 2500 Inns
3000 Inns Build 3000 Inns
3500 Inns Build 3500 Inns
5000 Inns Build 5000 Inns
7500 Inns Build 7500 Inns
12000 Inns Build 12000 Inns
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Blacksmith Build 1 Blacksmith
50 Blacksmiths Build 50 Blacksmiths
100 Blacksmiths Build 100 Blacksmiths
150 Blacksmiths Build 150 Blacksmiths
200 Blacksmiths Build 200 Blacksmiths
300 Blacksmiths Build 300 Blacksmiths
400 Blacksmiths Build 400 Blacksmiths
500 Blacksmiths Build 500 Blacksmiths
600 Blacksmiths Build 600 Blacksmiths
700 Blacksmiths Build 700 Blacksmiths
800 Blacksmiths Build 800 Blacksmiths
900 Blacksmiths Build 900 Blacksmiths
1000 Blacksmiths Build 1000 Blacksmiths
1500 Blacksmiths Build 1500 Blacksmiths
2000 Blacksmiths Build 2000 Blacksmiths
2500 Blacksmiths Build 2500 Blacksmiths
3000 Blacksmiths Build 3000 Blacksmiths
3500 Blacksmiths Build 3500 Blacksmiths
5000 Blacksmiths Build 5000 Blacksmiths
7500 Blacksmiths Build 7500 Blacksmiths
12000 Blacksmiths Build 12000 Blacksmiths
Warrior Barracks
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Warrior Barrack Build 1 Warrior Barrack
50 Warrior Barracks Build 50 Warrior Barracks
100 Warrior Barracks Build 100 Warrior Barracks
150 Warrior Barracks Build 150 Warrior Barracks
200 Warrior Barracks Build 200 Warrior Barracks
300 Warrior Barracks Build 300 Warrior Barracks
400 Warrior Barracks Build 400 Warrior Barracks
500 Warrior Barracks Build 500 Warrior Barracks
600 Warrior Barracks Build 600 Warrior Barracks
700 Warrior Barracks Build 700 Warrior Barracks
800 Warrior Barracks Build 800 Warrior Barracks
900 Warrior Barracks Build 900 Warrior Barracks
1000 Warrior Barracks Build 1000 Warrior Barracks
1500 Warrior Barracks Build 1500 Warrior Barracks
2000 Warrior Barracks Build 2000 Warrior Barracks
2500 Warrior Barracks Build 2500 Warrior Barracks
3000 Warrior Barracks Build 3000 Warrior Barracks
3500 Warrior Barracks Build 3500 Warrior Barracks
5000 Warrior Barracks Build 5000 Warrior Barracks
7500 Warrior Barracks Build 7500 Warrior Barracks
12000 Warrior Barracks Build 12000 Warrior Barracks
Knights Jousts
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Knights Joust Build 1 Knights Joust
50 Knights Jousts Build 50 Knights Jousts
100 Knights Jousts Build 100 Knights Jousts
150 Knights Jousts Build 150 Knights Jousts
200 Knights Jousts Build 200 Knights Jousts
300 Knights Jousts Build 300 Knights Jousts
400 Knights Jousts Build 400 Knights Jousts
500 Knights Jousts Build 500 Knights Jousts
600 Knights Jousts Build 600 Knights Jousts
700 Knights Jousts Build 700 Knights Jousts
800 Knights Jousts Build 800 Knights Jousts
900 Knights Jousts Build 900 Knights Jousts
1000 Knights Jousts Build 1000 Knights Jousts
1500 Knights Jousts Build 1500 Knights Jousts
2000 Knights Jousts Build 2000 Knights Jousts
2500 Knights Jousts Build 2500 Knights Jousts
3000 Knights Jousts Build 3000 Knights Jousts
3500 Knights Jousts Build 3500 Knights Jousts
5000 Knights Jousts Build 5000 Knights Jousts
7500 Knights Jousts Build 7500 Knights Jousts
12000 Knights Jousts Build 12000 Knights Jousts
Wizard Towers
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Wizard Tower Build 1 Wizard Tower
50 Wizard Towers Build 50 Wizard Towers
100 Wizard Towers Build 100 Wizard Towers
150 Wizard Towers Build 150 Wizard Towers
200 Wizard Towers Build 200 Wizard Towers
300 Wizard Towers Build 300 Wizard Towers
400 Wizard Towers Build 400 Wizard Towers
500 Wizard Towers Build 500 Wizard Towers
600 Wizard Towers Build 600 Wizard Towers
700 Wizard Towers Build 700 Wizard Towers
800 Wizard Towers Build 800 Wizard Towers
900 Wizard Towers Build 900 Wizard Towers
1000 Wizard Towers Build 1000 Wizard Towers
1500 Wizard Towers Build 1500 Wizard Towers
2000 Wizard Towers Build 2000 Wizard Towers
2500 Wizard Towers Build 2500 Wizard Towers
3000 Wizard Towers Build 3000 Wizard Towers
3500 Wizard Towers Build 3500 Wizard Towers
5000 Wizard Towers Build 5000 Wizard Towers
7500 Wizard Towers Build 7500 Wizard Towers
12000 Wizard Towers Build 12000 Wizard Towers
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Cathedral Build 1 Cathedral
50 Cathedrals Build 50 Cathedrals
100 Cathedrals Build 100 Cathedrals
150 Cathedrals Build 150 Cathedrals
200 Cathedrals Build 200 Cathedrals
300 Cathedrals Build 300 Cathedrals
400 Cathedrals Build 400 Cathedrals
500 Cathedrals Build 500 Cathedrals
600 Cathedrals Build 600 Cathedrals
700 Cathedrals Build 700 Cathedrals
800 Cathedrals Build 800 Cathedrals
900 Cathedrals Build 900 Cathedrals
1000 Cathedrals Build 1000 Cathedrals
1500 Cathedrals Build 1500 Cathedrals
2000 Cathedrals Build 2000 Cathedrals
2500 Cathedrals Build 2500 Cathedrals
3000 Cathedrals Build 3000 Cathedrals
3500 Cathedrals Build 3500 Cathedrals
5000 Cathedrals Build 5000 Cathedrals
7500 Cathedrals Build 7500 Cathedrals
12000 Cathedrals Build 12000 Cathedrals
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Citadel Build 1 Citadel
50 Citadels Build 50 Citadels
100 Citadels Build 100 Citadels
150 Citadels Build 150 Citadels
200 Citadels Build 200 Citadels
300 Citadels Build 300 Citadels
400 Citadels Build 400 Citadels
500 Citadels Build 500 Citadels
600 Citadels Build 600 Citadels
700 Citadels Build 700 Citadels
800 Citadels Build 800 Citadels
900 Citadels Build 900 Citadels
1000 Citadels Build 1000 Citadels
1500 Citadels Build 1500 Citadels
2000 Citadels Build 2000 Citadels
2500 Citadels Build 2500 Citadels
3000 Citadels Build 3000 Citadels
3500 Citadels Build 3500 Citadels
5000 Citadels Build 5000 Citadels
7500 Citadels Build 7500 Citadels
12000 Citadels Build 12000 Citadels
Royal Castles
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Royal Castle Build 1 Royal Castle
50 Royal Castles Build 50 Royal Castles
100 Royal Castles Build 100 Royal Castles
150 Royal Castles Build 150 Royal Castles
200 Royal Castles Build 200 Royal Castles
300 Royal Castles Build 300 Royal Castles
400 Royal Castles Build 400 Royal Castles
500 Royal Castles Build 500 Royal Castles
600 Royal Castles Build 600 Royal Castles
700 Royal Castles Build 700 Royal Castles
800 Royal Castles Build 800 Royal Castles
900 Royal Castles Build 900 Royal Castles
1000 Royal Castles Build 1000 Royal Castles
1500 Royal Castles Build 1500 Royal Castles
2000 Royal Castles Build 2000 Royal Castles
2500 Royal Castles Build 2500 Royal Castles
3000 Royal Castles Build 3000 Royal Castles
3500 Royal Castles Build 3500 Royal Castles
5000 Royal Castles Build 5000 Royal Castles
7500 Royal Castles Build 7500 Royal Castles
12000 Royal Castles Build 12000 Royal Castles
Heaven's Gates
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Heaven's Gates Build 1 Heaven's Gate
50 Heaven's Gates Build 50 Heaven's Gates
100 Heaven's Gates Build 100 Heaven's Gates
150 Heaven's Gates Build 150 Heaven's Gates
200 Heaven's Gates Build 200 Heaven's Gates
300 Heaven's Gates Build 300 Heaven's Gates
400 Heaven's Gates Build 400 Heaven's Gates
500 Heaven's Gates Build 500 Heaven's Gates
600 Heaven's Gates Build 600 Heaven's Gates
700 Heaven's Gates Build 700 Heaven's Gates
800 Heaven's Gates Build 800 Heaven's Gates
900 Heaven's Gates Build 900 Heaven's Gates
1000 Heaven's Gates Build 1000 Heaven's Gates
1500 Heaven's Gates Build 1500 Heaven's Gates
2000 Heaven's Gates Build 2000 Heaven's Gates
2500 Heaven's Gates Build 2500 Heaven's Gates
3000 Heaven's Gates Build 3000 Heaven's Gates
3500 Heaven's Gates Build 3500 Heaven's Gates
5000 Heaven's Gates Build 5000 Heaven's Gates
7500 Heaven's Gates Build 7500 Heaven's Gates
12000 Heaven's Gates Build 12000 Heaven's Gates
Slave Pens
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Slave Pen Build 1 Slave Pen
50 Slave Pens Build 50 Slave Pens
100 Slave Pens Build 100 Slave Pens
150 Slave Pens Build 150 Slave Pens
200 Slave Pens Build 200 Slave Pens
300 Slave Pens Build 300 Slave Pens
400 Slave Pens Build 400 Slave Pens
500 Slave Pens Build 500 Slave Pens
600 Slave Pens Build 600 Slave Pens
700 Slave Pens Build 700 Slave Pens
800 Slave Pens Build 800 Slave Pens
900 Slave Pens Build 900 Slave Pens
1000 Slave Pens Build 1000 Slave Pens
1500 Slave Pens Build 1500 Slave Pens
2000 Slave Pens Build 2000 Slave Pens
2500 Slave Pens Build 2500 Slave Pens
3000 Slave Pens Build 3000 Slave Pens
3500 Slave Pens Build 3500 Slave Pens
5000 Slave Pens Build 5000 Slave Pens
7500 Slave Pens Build 7500 Slave Pens
12000 Slave Pens Build 12000 Slave Pens
Orcish Arenas
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Orcish Arena Build 1 Orcish Arena
50 Orcish Arenas Build 50 Orcish Arenas
100 Orcish Arenas Build 100 Orcish Arenas
150 Orcish Arenas Build 150 Orcish Arenas
200 Orcish Arenas Build 200 Orcish Arenas
300 Orcish Arenas Build 300 Orcish Arenas
400 Orcish Arenas Build 400 Orcish Arenas
500 Orcish Arenas Build 500 Orcish Arenas
600 Orcish Arenas Build 600 Orcish Arenas
700 Orcish Arenas Build 700 Orcish Arenas
800 Orcish Arenas Build 800 Orcish Arenas
900 Orcish Arenas Build 900 Orcish Arenas
1000 Orcish Arenas Build 1000 Orcish Arenas
1500 Orcish Arenas Build 1500 Orcish Arenas
2000 Orcish Arenas Build 2000 Orcish Arenas
2500 Orcish Arenas Build 2500 Orcish Arenas
3000 Orcish Arenas Build 3000 Orcish Arenas
3500 Orcish Arenas Build 3500 Orcish Arenas
5000 Orcish Arenas Build 5000 Orcish Arenas
7500 Orcish Arenas Build 7500 Orcish Arenas
12000 Orcish Arenas Build 12000 Orcish Arenas
Witch Conclaves
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Witch Conclave Build 1 Witch Conclave
50 Witch Conclaves Build 50 Witch Conclaves
100 Witch Conclaves Build 100 Witch Conclaves
150 Witch Conclaves Build 150 Witch Conclaves
200 Witch Conclaves Build 200 Witch Conclaves
300 Witch Conclaves Build 300 Witch Conclaves
400 Witch Conclaves Build 400 Witch Conclaves
500 Witch Conclaves Build 500 Witch Conclaves
600 Witch Conclaves Build 600 Witch Conclaves
700 Witch Conclaves Build 700 Witch Conclaves
800 Witch Conclaves Build 800 Witch Conclaves
900 Witch Conclaves Build 900 Witch Conclaves
1000 Witch Conclaves Build 1000 Witch Conclaves
1500 Witch Conclaves Build 1500 Witch Conclaves
2000 Witch Conclaves Build 2000 Witch Conclaves
2500 Witch Conclaves Build 2500 Witch Conclaves
3000 Witch Conclaves Build 3000 Witch Conclaves
3500 Witch Conclaves Build 3500 Witch Conclaves
5000 Witch Conclaves Build 5000 Witch Conclaves
7500 Witch Conclaves Build 7500 Witch Conclaves
12000 Witch Conclaves Build 12000 Witch Conclaves
Dark Temples
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Dark Temple Build 1 Dark Temple
50 Dark Temples Build 50 Dark Temples
100 Dark Temples Build 100 Dark Temples
150 Dark Temples Build 150 Dark Temples
200 Dark Temples Build 200 Dark Temples
300 Dark Temples Build 300 Dark Temples
400 Dark Temples Build 400 Dark Temples
500 Dark Temples Build 500 Dark Temples
600 Dark Temples Build 600 Dark Temples
700 Dark Temples Build 700 Dark Temples
800 Dark Temples Build 800 Dark Temples
900 Dark Temples Build 900 Dark Temples
1000 Dark Temples Build 1000 Dark Temples
1500 Dark Temples Build 1500 Dark Temples
2000 Dark Temples Build 2000 Dark Temples
2500 Dark Temples Build 2500 Dark Temples
3000 Dark Temples Build 3000 Dark Temples
3500 Dark Temples Build 3500 Dark Temples
5000 Dark Temples Build 5000 Dark Temples
7500 Dark Temples Build 7500 Dark Temples
12000 Dark Temples Build 12000 Dark Temples
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Necropolis Build 1 Necropolis
50 Necropolises Build 50 Necropolises
100 Necropolises Build 100 Necropolises
150 Necropolises Build 150 Necropolises
200 Necropolises Build 200 Necropolises
300 Necropolises Build 300 Necropolises
400 Necropolises Build 400 Necropolises
500 Necropolises Build 500 Necropolises
600 Necropolises Build 600 Necropolises
700 Necropolises Build 700 Necropolises
800 Necropolises Build 800 Necropolises
900 Necropolises Build 900 Necropolises
1000 Necropolises Build 1000 Necropolises
1500 Necropolises Build 1500 Necropolises
2000 Necropolises Build 2000 Necropolises
2500 Necropolises Build 2500 Necropolises
3000 Necropolises Build 3000 Necropolises
3500 Necropolises Build 3500 Necropolises
5000 Necropolises Build 5000 Necropolises
7500 Necropolises Build 7500 Necropolises
12000 Necropolises Build 12000 Necropolises
Evil Fortresses
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Evil Fortress Build 1 Evil Fortress
50 Evil Fortresses Build 50 Evil Fortresses
100 Evil Fortresses Build 100 Evil Fortresses
150 Evil Fortresses Build 150 Evil Fortresses
200 Evil Fortresses Build 200 Evil Fortresses
300 Evil Fortresses Build 300 Evil Fortresses
400 Evil Fortresses Build 400 Evil Fortresses
500 Evil Fortresses Build 500 Evil Fortresses
600 Evil Fortresses Build 600 Evil Fortresses
700 Evil Fortresses Build 700 Evil Fortresses
800 Evil Fortresses Build 800 Evil Fortresses
900 Evil Fortresses Build 900 Evil Fortresses
1000 Evil Fortresses Build 1000 Evil Fortresses
1500 Evil Fortresses Build 1500 Evil Fortresses
2000 Evil Fortresses Build 2000 Evil Fortresses
2500 Evil Fortresses Build 2500 Evil Fortresses
3000 Evil Fortresses Build 3000 Evil Fortresses
3500 Evil Fortresses Build 3500 Evil Fortresses
5000 Evil Fortresses Build 5000 Evil Fortresses
7500 Evil Fortresses Build 7500 Evil Fortresses
12000 Evil Fortresses Build 12000 Evil Fortresses
Hell Portals
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Hell Portal Build 1 Hell Portal
50 Hell Portals Build 50 Hell Portals
100 Hell Portals Build 100 Hell Portals
150 Hell Portals Build 150 Hell Portals
200 Hell Portals Build 200 Hell Portals
300 Hell Portals Build 300 Hell Portals
400 Hell Portals Build 400 Hell Portals
500 Hell Portals Build 500 Hell Portals
600 Hell Portals Build 600 Hell Portals
700 Hell Portals Build 700 Hell Portals
800 Hell Portals Build 800 Hell Portals
900 Hell Portals Build 900 Hell Portals
1000 Hell Portals Build 1000 Hell Portals
1500 Hell Portals Build 1500 Hell Portals
2000 Hell Portals Build 2000 Hell Portals
2500 Hell Portals Build 2500 Hell Portals
3000 Hell Portals Build 3000 Hell Portals
3500 Hell Portals Build 3500 Hell Portals
5000 Hell Portals Build 5000 Hell Portals
7500 Hell Portals Build 7500 Hell Portals
12000 Hell Portals Build 12000 Hell Portals
Deep Mines
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Deep Mine Build 1 Deep mine
50 Deep Mines Build 50 Deep Mines
100 Deep Mines Build 100 Deep Mines
150 Deep Mines Build 150 Deep Mines
200 Deep Mines Build 200 Deep Mines
300 Deep Mines Build 300 Deep Mines
400 Deep Mines Build 400 Deep Mines
500 Deep Mines Build 500 Deep Mines
600 Deep Mines Build 600 Deep Mines
700 Deep Mines Build 700 Deep Mines
800 Deep Mines Build 800 Deep Mines
900 Deep Mines Build 900 Deep Mines
1000 Deep Mines Build 1000 Deep Mines
1500 Deep Mines Build 1500 Deep Mines
2000 Deep Mines Build 2000 Deep Mines
2500 Deep Mines Build 2500 Deep Mines
3000 Deep Mines Build 3000 Deep Mines
3500 Deep Mines Build 3500 Deep Mines
5000 Deep Mines Build 5000 Deep Mines
7500 Deep Mines Build 7500 Deep Mines
12000 Deep Mines Build 12000 Deep Mines
Stone Pillars
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Stone Pillar Build 1 Stone Pillar
50 Stone Pillars Build 50 Stone Pillars
100 Stone Pillars Build 100 Stone Pillars
150 Stone Pillars Build 150 Stone Pillars
200 Stone Pillars Build 200 Stone Pillars
300 Stone Pillars Build 300 Stone Pillars
400 Stone Pillars Build 400 Stone Pillars
500 Stone Pillars Build 500 Stone Pillars
600 Stone Pillars Build 600 Stone Pillars
700 Stone Pillars Build 700 Stone Pillars
800 Stone Pillars Build 800 Stone Pillars
900 Stone Pillars Build 900 Stone Pillars
1000 Stone Pillars Build 1000 Stone Pillars
1500 Stone Pillars Build 1500 Stone Pillars
2000 Stone Pillars Build 2000 Stone Pillars
2500 Stone Pillars Build 2500 Stone Pillars
3000 Stone Pillars Build 3000 Stone Pillars
3500 Stone Pillars Build 3500 Stone Pillars
5000 Stone Pillars Build 5000 Stone Pillars
7500 Stone Pillars Build 7500 Stone Pillars
12000 Stone Pillars Build 12000 Stone Pillars
Alchemist Labs
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Alchemist Lab Build 1 Alchemist Lab
50 Alchemist Labs Build 50 Alchemist Labs
100 Alchemist Labs Build 100 Alchemist Labs
150 Alchemist Labs Build 150 Alchemist Labs
200 Alchemist Labs Build 200 Alchemist Labs
300 Alchemist Labs Build 300 Alchemist Labs
400 Alchemist Labs Build 400 Alchemist Labs
500 Alchemist Labs Build 500 Alchemist Labs
600 Alchemist Labs Build 600 Alchemist Labs
700 Alchemist Labs Build 700 Alchemist Labs
800 Alchemist Labs Build 800 Alchemist Labs
900 Alchemist Labs Build 900 Alchemist Labs
1000 Alchemist Labs Build 1000 Alchemist Labs
1500 Alchemist Labs Build 1500 Alchemist Labs
2000 Alchemist Labs Build 2000 Alchemist Labs
2500 Alchemist Labs Build 2500 Alchemist Labs
3000 Alchemist Labs Build 3000 Alchemist Labs
3500 Alchemist Labs Build 3500 Alchemist Labs
5000 Alchemist Labs Build 5000 Alchemist Labs
7500 Alchemist Labs Build 7500 Alchemist Labs
12000 Alchemist Labs Build 12000 Alchemist Labs
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Monastery Build 1 Monastery
50 Monasteries Build 50 Monasteries
100 Monasteries Build 100 Monasteries
150 Monasteries Build 150 Monasteries
200 Monasteries Build 200 Monasteries
300 Monasteries Build 300 Monasteries
400 Monasteries Build 400 Monasteries
500 Monasteries Build 500 Monasteries
600 Monasteries Build 600 Monasteries
700 Monasteries Build 700 Monasteries
800 Monasteries Build 800 Monasteries
900 Monasteries Build 900 Monasteries
1000 Monasteries Build 1000 Monasteries
1500 Monasteries Build 1500 Monasteries
2000 Monasteries Build 2000 Monasteries
2500 Monasteries Build 2500 Monasteries
3000 Monasteries Build 3000 Monasteries
3500 Monasteries Build 3500 Monasteries
5000 Monasteries Build 5000 Monasteries
7500 Monasteries Build 7500 Monasteries
12000 Monasteries Build 12000 Monasteries
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Labyrinth Build 1 Labyrinth
50 Labyrinths Build 50 Labyrinths
100 Labyrinths Build 100 Labyrinths
150 Labyrinths Build 150 Labyrinths
200 Labyrinths Build 200 Labyrinths
300 Labyrinths Build 300 Labyrinths
400 Labyrinths Build 400 Labyrinths
500 Labyrinths Build 500 Labyrinths
600 Labyrinths Build 600 Labyrinths
700 Labyrinths Build 700 Labyrinths
800 Labyrinths Build 800 Labyrinths
900 Labyrinths Build 900 Labyrinths
1000 Labyrinths Build 1000 Labyrinths
1500 Labyrinths Build 1500 Labyrinths
2000 Labyrinths Build 1600 Labyrinths
2500 Labyrinths Build 2500 Labyrinths
3000 Labyrinths Build 3000 Labyrinths
3500 Labyrinths Build 3500 Labyrinths
5000 Labyrinths Build 5000 Labyrinths
7500 Labyrinths Build 7500 Labyrinths
12000 Labyrinths Build 12000 Labyrinths
Iron Strongholds
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Iron Stronghold Build 1 Iron Stronghold
50 Iron Strongholds Build 50 Iron Strongholds
100 Iron Strongholds Build 100 Iron Strongholds
150 Iron Strongholds Build 150 Iron Strongholds
200 Iron Strongholds Build 200 Iron Strongholds
300 Iron Strongholds Build 300 Iron Strongholds
400 Iron Strongholds Build 400 Iron Strongholds
500 Iron Strongholds Build 500 Iron Strongholds
600 Iron Strongholds Build 600 Iron Strongholds
700 Iron Strongholds Build 700 Iron Strongholds
800 Iron Strongholds Build 800 Iron Strongholds
900 Iron Strongholds Build 900 Iron Strongholds
1000 Iron Strongholds Build 1000 Iron Strongholds
1500 Iron Strongholds Build 1500 Iron Strongholds
2000 Iron Strongholds Build 2000 Iron Strongholds
2500 Iron Strongholds Build 2500 Iron Strongholds
3000 Iron Strongholds Build 3000 Iron Strongholds
3500 Iron Strongholds Build 3500 Iron Strongholds
5000 Iron Strongholds Build 5000 Iron Strongholds
7500 Iron Strongholds Build 7500 Iron Strongholds
12000 Iron Strongholds Build 12000 Iron Strongholds
Ancient Pyramids
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Ancient Pyramid Build 1 Ancient Pyramid
50 Ancient Pyramids Build 50 Ancient Pyramids
100 Ancient Pyramids Build 100 Ancient Pyramids
150 Ancient Pyramids Build 150 Ancient Pyramids
200 Ancient Pyramids Build 200 Ancient Pyramids
300 Ancient Pyramids Build 300 Ancient Pyramids
400 Ancient Pyramids Build 400 Ancient Pyramids
500 Ancient Pyramids Build 500 Ancient Pyramids
600 Ancient Pyramids Build 600 Ancient Pyramids
700 Ancient Pyramids Build 700 Ancient Pyramids
800 Ancient Pyramids Build 800 Ancient Pyramids
900 Ancient Pyramids Build 900 Ancient Pyramids
1000 Ancient Pyramids Build 1000 Ancient Pyramids
1500 Ancient Pyramids Build 1500 Ancient Pyramids
2000 Ancient Pyramids Build 2000 Ancient Pyramids
2500 Ancient Pyramids Build 2500 Ancient Pyramids
3000 Ancient Pyramids Build 3000 Ancient Pyramids
3500 Ancient Pyramids Build 3500 Ancient Pyramids
5000 Ancient Pyramids Build 5000 Ancient Pyramids
7500 Ancient Pyramids Build 7500 Ancient Pyramids
12000 Ancient Pyramids Build 12000 Ancient Pyramids
Halls of Legends
Name Unlock Requirement
1 Hall of Legend Build 1 Hall of Legends
50 Halls of Legends Build 50 Halls of Legends
100 Halls of Legends Build 100 Halls of Legends
150 Halls of Legends Build 150 Halls of Legends
200 Halls of Legends Build 200 Halls of Legends
300 Halls of Legends Build 300 Halls of Legends
400 Halls of Legends Build 400 Halls of Legends
500 Halls of Legends Build 500 Halls of Legends
600 Halls of Legends Build 600 Halls of Legends
700 Halls of Legends Build 700 Halls of Legends
800 Halls of Legends Build 800 Halls of Legends
900 Halls of Legends Build 900 Halls of Legends
1000 Halls of Legends Build 1,000 Halls of Legends
1500 Halls of Legends Build 1,500 Halls of Legends
2000 Halls of Legends Build 2,000 Halls of Legends
2500 Halls of Legends Build 2,500 Halls of Legends
3000 Halls of Legends Build 3,000 Halls of Legends
3500 Halls of Legends Build 3,500 Halls of Legends
5000 Halls of Legends Build 5,000 Halls of Legends
7500 Halls of Legends Build 7,500 Halls of Legends
12000 Halls of Legends Build 12,000 Halls of Legends
Total Buildings - 13 Trophies
Name Unlock Requirement
Village Grinder Build a total of 100 buildings (in a single game)
Town Grinder Build a total of 250 buildings
City Grinder Build a total of 500 buildings
Kingdom Grinder Build a total of 1,000 buildings
Empire Grinder Build a total of 2,000 buildings
Realm Grinder Build a total of 3,000 buildings
History Grinder Build a total of 5,000 buildings
World Grinder Build a total of 8,000 buildings
Universe Grinder Build a total of 12,000 buildings
Multiverse Grinder Build a total of 20,000 buildings
Metagrinder Build a total of 35,000 buildings
Overgrinder Build a total of 50,000 buildings
True Grinder Build a total of 125,000 buildings

Секретные трофеи[]


Secret trophy icons and tooltips only become visible once you have completed them. Each rewards a Secret Upgrade which shows up in the upgrades tab, and in the current game, as soon as you approach their total cost.
To get information on the effects of trophy upgrades, see the Upgrades page.
Most of the information below comes from this forum post, created and maintained by Rahler.

Секретные трофеи - 64 Трофеев.
Name Unlock Requirement
Файл:Leet.png Leet Собрать 1337 монет за один забег.
Файл:Unitary.png Unitary Have exactly 1 of each building at any given time.
Файл:Building Hater.png Building Hater Reach 100,000 Coins without building anything.
Файл:Grand Diplomat.png Grand Diplomat Ally with each faction at least once.
Файл:Exchange Master.png Exchange Master Purchase 500 Royal Exchanges in a single game.
Файл:Lucky Neutral.png Lucky Neutral Spend 7777 minutes being Neutral.
(5d 9h 37m)
Файл:Perfectly Good.png Perfectly Good Spend 333 hours being Good.
(13d 21h)
Файл:Diabolical Evil.png Diabolical Evil Spend 6 days, 66 hours, 666 minutes and 666666 seconds being Evil.
(16d 22h 17m 6s)
Файл:Assistant Squasher.png Assistant Squasher Click 100 times on the little assistant above your realm.
(tiny assistants in the background here)
Файл:Rewind.png Rewind Abdicate after producing at least Шаблон:NumberInline Coins.
Файл:Faction Grinder.png Faction Grinder Purchase the first 6 Faction Heritage upgrades in a single game.
Файл:Master Archeologist.png Master Archeologist You have discovered all the relics of the Ancient Races. (Titans, Druids, and Faceless)
Файл:Spellfury.png Spellfury Cast Tax Collection while having 3 spells active.
Файл:Speed Run.png Speed Run Reach Шаблон:NumberInline coins in less than 5 minutes, without using Gem Power.
(Can be done at R0)
Файл:Equality.png Equality With no less than 3 days of playtime, have less than 1 minute of playtime difference for the 3 alignments.
(See tips)
Файл:Beard Carpet.png Beard Carpet Have at least 3km beards on your assistants. (This takes 3d 11h 20m.)
Файл:Premeditation.png Premeditation Have at least 850 Dark Temples on any individual run before affiliating with the Drow.
Файл:Fast Forward.png Fast Forward Accumulate an offline time of at least 88 hours. The sum of all your offline reports counts towards this purpose.(3d 16h, This R)
Файл:Need a Head Start.png Need a Head Start? Don't do anything for 5 minutes after starting a new game.
(Don't buy anything and don't click the background Clicking the background does not seem to prevent the trophy, acquired while manually clicking to Leet. See tips)
Файл:Realm Digger.png Realm Digger Excavate 400 times.
Файл:Harlequin.png Harlequin As a Mercenary, purchase one upgrade from 11 different factions.
Файл:Lucifer.png Lucifer As a Good Mercenary, purchase only Evil mercenary faction upgrades or vice versa.
Файл:Mathematician.png Mathematician Have building amounts exactly equal to 2tier from bottom to top, starting from 20 Halls of Legends.
(1024 Farms, 512 Inns, 256 Blacksmiths, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 and 1 Hall of Legends)
Файл:Mercenary Spirit.png Mercenary Spirit Reincarnate while playing as a Mercenary.
Файл:Bloodstream.png Bloodstream Unlock all Vanilla, Neutral, Dwarf and Drow faction Bloodlines (Can be done at R7)
Файл:Unlimited Mana.png Unlimited Mana Have a mana regeneration rate of at least 300 mana per second.
Файл:ForScience.png For Science! Purchase all the research facilities.
Файл:NoviceResearcher.png Novice Researcher Research 600 times across all fields.
Файл:Exchange Lord.png Exchange Lord Purchase 1500 Royal Exchanges in a single game.
Magician Magician Discover at least 10 Spellcraft Researches.
Artisan Artisan Discover at least 10 Craftsmanship Researches.
Файл:Demigod.png Demigod Discover at least 10 Divine Researches.
Файл:Businessman.png Businessman Discover at least 10 Economics Researches.
Файл:Apothecary.png Apothecary Discover at least 10 Alchemy Researches.
Файл:Warlord.png Warlord Discover at least 10 Warfare Researches.
Файл:VanillaResearcher.png Vanilla Researcher Discover all the Vanilla Faction researches.
Файл:VanillaChallenger.png Vanilla Challenger Complete all the Vanilla Challenges.
Файл:Neutral Challenger .png Neutral Challenger Complete all the Neutral Challenges.
Файл:PrestigeChallenger.png Prestige Challenger (PA) Complete all the Prestige Challenges.
Файл:Secret-trophy53-FactionRun.png Faction Run Reach Шаблон:NumberInline Faction Coins in less than 5 minutes, without using Gem Power, Excavations nor any spell.
Файл:Intermediatresearcher.png Intermediate Researcher Research 1800 times across all fields.
Файл:Ancientresearcher.png Ancient Researcher Discover all the Ancient Races researches.
Файл:Norecruit.png No Recruiting Reach Шаблон:NumberInline gems in a Reincarnation without ever affiliating with the Mercenaries. (See Tips)
Файл:ThatExcavatedQuickly.png That Excavated Quickly Excavate 1000 times in the first 30 seconds of playtime.
(Can be done from around R20+)
Файл:Glho kohhl snod.png glho kohhl snod "Barely whispering these letters makes your heart pound harder..."
(In the options, try to import this: glho kohhl snod)
Файл:Mana Matrix.png Mana Matrix Have exactly 4767 maximum mana. (See Tips)
Файл:Suggestion Master.png Suggestion Master Open the changelog and ponder about what could be added in there for 3 minutes.

Note: To open the changelog click the version number in the options.

Файл:Rule 'dis.png Rule 'dis Abdicate 10 times within 3 minutes.
Файл:Because I Like to Grind.png Because I Like to Grind Spend at least 3 hours playing in a single game.
Файл:ExpertResearcher.png Expert Researcher Research 2750 times across all fields.
Файл:UnderworldResearcher.png Underworld Researcher Discover all the Underworld researches.
Файл:StoicResistance.png Stoic Resistance Reach an amount of Gems in your treasury equal to the requisite of the first Reincarnation (Шаблон:NumberInline gems) without abdicating since the start of a new Reincarnation. (See Tips)
Файл:Van!shment.png Van!shment Reach an Offline Bonus of at least Шаблон:NumberInline%.
PA: 1895%
Файл:Iron Rush.png Iron Rush Reach 750 Iron Strongholds without using Gem Power nor Reincarnation Power within 5 minutes of a new game. (Underground Foundations (Dwarf 5) and Siege (W400) work for this trophy)
Файл:Colorful Autocasting.png Colorful Autocasting (PA) Have each type of autocasting active simultaneously.
Файл:Cata.png Spell Cataclysm (PA) Have at least 4 spells active on tier 5 or higher.

(See Tips)

Файл:Advisor Insight.png Advisor Insight Click the Hint button 100 times.
Файл:Dragon Tamer.png Dragon Tamer (PA) Fully develop your Spiky Egg into an Elder Dragon.
Файл:Helden Sterben Nicht.png Helden Sterben Nicht Join Mercenaries, then Undead, then Angels within 15 minutes since the beginning of a new run in a single game session.
Файл:MasterResearcher.png Master Researcher Research 10000 times across all fields.
Файл:EternalResearcher.png Eternal Researcher (PA) Discover all the Dragon researches.
Файл:ManaWaste.png Mana Waste Have mana regeneration higher than max mana.
Файл:Prismatic mana 2.png Prismatic Mana Cast the same amount of Faction spells with all Vanilla and Neutral factions with a minimum of 100 each.

Can only be unlocked after ascending once.

Файл:SecretAutoclick.png Autoclicker Perform 40 automatic clicks in one second.

(Currently bugged; may require less than 40)


Tips, hints, and potential spoilers for acquiring certain (kinds of) trophies.

Keep in mind that there are trophies for all levels of progress and they are all feasible. If you think it's too hard, then you probably need to wait until you progress further.

Tips & Hints
  • Coin, Click, Spell, Mana, Assistants, Building... trophies: use special merc (IGOT for magic and assistants) and research builds.
  • Assistant Trophies: Fairy Choir spell upgrade effect does not count for these trophies.
  • Spell Cast Trophies: are based on the amount of spell casts (this Game) in the stats. Offline spell casts and Goblin Central Bank count towards these trophies.
  • 5k Building Type Trophies: With no gifts, tiers 1, 2 and 3 buildings can be done easily below R20 using the Fairy Faction. Unique buildings can be done with individual runs around R25-30. Good Buildings become possible around R34 or maybe even earlier with prestige research (can be done from R29, first get the Earth core with a excavations-oriented run after you got enough gems to reincarnate, then develop the prestige research with Fairy-Dwarf, then run a Angel-Dwarf with Goblin bloodline to get 5K buildings). Evil and Neutral around R38 using a merc build (source) To get all the building type trophies, tweak builds to fit other alignments.
  • 7.5k Building Type Trophies: The earliest methods for these are essentially a repeat of the same for the 5k series. Tiers 1-3 can be easily collected before R39 using Goblin Bloodline and Fairy/Dwarf research. The remaining Neutrals will start to happen naturally in the mid R50's by using Neutral Prestige research, with Good builds becoming viable a little earlier and Evil a little later, mostly depending on gem totals.
  • Mana Wave, River, and Lake Trophies reward upgrades only post-ascension.(as of RG v2.5.0)
  • Ascension marks a unique milestone where unfinished trophies generally become harder at R40 than they were at earlier reincarnations due to a gamewide reduction of bonuses. This setback is effectively temporary, however, and any non-secret trophies that seem difficult at R39 might be best regarded as defacto Post-Ascension tasks that will not be missed if delayed.

Secret Trophies

  • Suggestion Master and glho kohhl snod, do not interfere with getting Need a Head Start? These can all be done in the first five minutes of a run. (Tested. Tip thanks to this comment)
  • Leet: If you have a premium upgrade, turn it off to start a game with 0 coins.
  • Equality: In case you have one alignment playtime much longer than an other: restart and do it after Reincarnating, play times will be reset to zero. When two alignments are one minute apart, the third can be done while offline.
  • Mana Matrix: Be careful not to skip 4767 mana. When close to 4k mana, it is recommended to buy buildings one by one.
  • That Excavated Quickly: Can be done at R17. Make sure to keep your excavations low until you have enough gems to excavate 1000 times, make a save file, abdicate, and then try go for the trophy. - Undo if unsuccessful and try again later. Suggested 200 Tvg (2E74) gems and no excavations (use Lightning Forge to get Faction Coins). After abdicating, quickly get the Druid Bloodline, and any alignment to unlock Halls of Legends for income. Possible at R15 with 1.5 Dvg (1.5E69) gems and Elven Bloodline.
  • No Recruiting: Consider the reward (Increase Mercenary production by 1% per Reincarnation) and decide how much time you are ready to invest into getting this trophy. It can take +3 days at R20, still over 2 days at R25 and less than a day around R28 (using no Gifts). As for tactic: many players have reported using Fairy-Dwarf as replacement to Merc, and U-Goblin with Angel Bloodline for any gem wall.
  • Stoic Resistance: possible at R33 in less than 1 hour with fairy and fairy bloodline. Can be done in 2-3 hours at R30, the same way as at R33.
  • Spell Cataclysm: See IGOTaN for Spell Cataclysm merc build. Requires to be at least R55, if not R60. (source).
  • Mana Waste: Mana regen gained from spell effects, directly or indirectly, counts for this trophy. This includes w205 and fairy choir + shapeshifting/magical treasure.
  • Van!shment: This is very easy from around R29 with an Undead/Drow Research build, as Undead (2,2) Unholy Ritual and Undead (3,3) Resilience provide good offline bonuses. You will want A55, and note that S270 and D400 give you offline bonus as well. Fast Forward and Nonexistent Ruler secret upgrades may also help, as well as Sun Force.
  • Coin Pillage: With autocasting upgrade and mana at 30 x Tax Collection cost (standard 6000) just autocast Tax Collection.
  • Prismatic Mana:  Requires R40+. Only counts the 9 faction-specific spells for the 9 vanilla/neutral factions. Can be done with Mercenaries. Repeated Abdications can be used to circumvent the long timer for Brainwave.
  • Ascension can render No Recruiting and Stoic Resistance disproportionately difficult to obtain because they retain their original gem requirements and gems are not quickly restored to pre-Ascension levels. No Recruiting will jump from trivial at R39 to impossible until the equivalent of R75. Stoic Resistance may require a similar wait, or the use of Rubies to buy Gem Conversions to circumvent the abdication restriction.
  • Autoclicker: Offline automatic clicks from the Sturdy Treasure series of upgrades are counted.

See Also[]

  • Event Feats
  • Upgrades: Contains the requirements for unlocking the trophy upgrades.

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