RealmGrinder вики


Excavation was first implemented in the "Ancient Races" expansion for introducing Neutral Factions. It allows you to find Rubies, with luck: Faction Coins, and at certain thresholds or conditions: Artifacts. Some artifacts are required to unlock the Neutral & Prestige Factions.

A few Lore artifacts will reward direct bonuses, but most do not reward anything but help indirectly by increasing the amount of artifacts. The total amount of discovered artifacts take part in some upgrades, such as for the Research upgrades D290, E330, or the Fossilized Rodent artifact.


The below only has to be bought once throughout the entire game and does not show up as bought upgrade.

Name Unlocks Requirements Cost
Файл:Archeology-upgrade.PNG Archaeology Unlocks Excavations

(Makes the "Excavation" button appear)

Have at least:
Шаблон:NumberInline gems in the abdication treasury.
Файл:SurveyEquipment.PNG Survey Equipment Unlocks the chance to find Lore Artifacts. 100th Excavation Шаблон:Number

Costs & Find Chances[]

  • Excavation: The first excavation costs Шаблон:NumberInline coins, and each subsequent excavation costs 20% more than the last.
    Шаблон:OtherFormula (Post-A: 1e20*1.04x)
  • Excavation Reset: The excavation counter and cost are reset by reincarnation. Alternatively, you can buy an excavation reset for 1 Ruby up until 2999 excavations, switching to 2 Rubies at 3000, 3 Rubies at 6000 and above. It will reset the excavation counter to zero, all previously gained Excavation rewards and Rubies will persist and you can not find them again.
  • Faction Coins: Each excavation has a 35% chance (40% with That Excavated Quickly) to produce faction coins.
  • Rubies: 1 Ruby is found at excavation 50, 150, 300, etc.
    Formula for the number of excavations required for each ruby: 25*n*(n+1), where n is the number of the ruby to be earned. So to use the number of ruby earned and know when the next is coming, the formula would be 25*(n+1)*(n+2).


There are 51 Excavation Artifacts:

  • 12 Quest Artifacts that unlocks the Neutral Alignment, Research and Research Slots.
  • 39 Lore Artifacts (since patch v2.6.0.0 - 2017-03-10)

All artifacts with a random chance check that chance on every individual excavation if their non-random requirements are met. How the excavations are purchased is irrelevant, and artifacts will be found on the same excavation number regardless of whether multi-buy is used.

ATTENTION! : Vanilla Faction-specific Lore Artifacts cannot be found if affiliated with a Prestige Faction. (e.g.The Fairy artifacts cannot be found if you are also playing as Dwarf.)

Quest Artifacts
Name Description Unlocks Requirements
Файл:StoneSlab1.png Ancient Stoneslab 1 1st Titan Faction Quest Clue:
"We discovered an ancient stoneslab written in old scriptures. It appears to say something about Halls of Legends."
Unlocks the next Titan Faction Quest item. 5th Excavation
Файл:Druid-Bark1.png Fossilized Piece of Bark 1 1st Druid Faction Quest Clue:
"We discovered a fossilized piece of bark with the image of a Faction Coin carved into it."
Unlocks the next Druid Faction Quest item. 10th Excavation
Файл:FL-quest1.png Bone Fragment 1 1st Faceless Faction Quest Clue: "We discovered a sundial shaped artifact, probably made of animal bones." Unlocks the next Faceless Faction Quest item. 15th Excavation
Файл:StoneSlab2.png Ancient Stoneslab 2 2nd Titan Faction Quest Clue:
"We discovered an ancient stoneslab written in old scriptures. We can recognize the number 300."
Unlocks the next Titan Faction quest item. 20th Excavation
Файл:Druid-Bark2.png Fossilized Piece of Bark 2 2nd Druid Faction Quest Clue:
"We discovered a fossilized piece of bark with the symbol of One Million."
Unlocks the next Druid Faction quest item. 25th Excavation
Файл:FL-quest2.png Bone Fragment 2 2nd Faceless Faction Quest Clue: "We discovered an artifact shaped like the number 36, probably made of animal bones." Unlocks the next Faceless Faction quest item. 30th Excavation
Файл:Artifact-lostcity.png Key to the Lost City Despite being thousands of years old, it's still shiny. Unlocks Neutral Research quests R23+,
1500th Excavation (total)
Файл:Artifact-ancientdevice.png Ancient Device This strange device seems to react to the Ancient Races magical capabilities... We may channel its power to increase their research potential! Unlocks an upgrade of the same name that adds 2 additional Neutral research slots related to the faction you are playing. Own a neutral faction's unique building,
2000+ excavations.
Chance: 0.2%
Файл:Artifact-earthcore.png Earth Core This piece of molten rock is continuously shifting its shape, responding to mysterious energy sources. Unlocks Prestige research quests. R29+,

2750+ excavations

Файл:Artifact-hornofkings.PNG Horn of the Kings It is said that when this horn is blown, the voices of past Dwarven Kings can be heard in the wind. Unlocks the Legacy of the Kings Good alignment research upgrade that adds 3 additional research slots: 2 for Craftsmanship and 1 related to the faction you are playing. Have Dwarven Forges,
3250+ Excavations See tips.
Chance: 0.5%
Файл:FlameOfBondelnarUPgrade.PNG Flame of Bondelnar The magical azure flame of Bondelnar constantly emanates a silent, yet subtle, evil aura. Unlocks the Dark Light of Bondelnar Evil alignment research upgrade that adds 3 additional research slots: 2 for Warfare and 1 related to the faction you are playing. Have Spider Sanctuaries,
3250+ Excavations See tips.
Chance: 0.5%
Spiky Rough Egg What a weird egg... it looks ages old. yet something alive is inside. Perhaps if you wait long enough, something will hatch? Unlocks Hatch! dragon faction quest upgrade. R46+,
1500+ Excavations
Chance: 2%
Lore Artifacts
Name Description Reward Requirements
Файл:LoreArtifact1-RoughStone.png Rough Stone A common, totally uninteresting stone. Unlocks Research D290 On the 1st excavation of a run, after a soft reset.
Chance: 2%
Файл:LoreArtifact2-ScarabofFortune.png Scarab of Fortune You found the rarest of relics. This golden scarab will grant you 7 days of good luck, starting from now. Make good use of it! Awards an upgrade of the same name that increases the production of all buildings by 0.1% for each trophy you unlocked Chance: (#Ancient Pyramids / 1,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifact3-ChocolateCookie.png Chocolate Cookie Found in a wasteland made of cakes and sweets, snatched from the hands of an old woman... - Chance: (# excavations / 50)%
Файл:LoreArtifactFossilizedRodent.png Fossilized Rodent What's this, a prehistoric mouse...? Awards an upgrade of the same name that increases click reward by 10% per artifact you discovered Chance: (# treasure clicks this R / 5,000,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifact4-PowerOrb.png Power Orb Throbbing with arcane power. 2.5% increased mana regen At least 3000 max mana.
Chance: (max mana / 15,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifact-PinkCarrot.png Pink Carrot The main product of properly nurtured Farms. - Play as Fairy and not as Dwarf.
Chance: (# Farms / 5,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsBottledVoice.png Bottled Voice The essence of a melodic Fairy voice. - Play as Fairy and not as Dwarf.
Chance: (Fairy Chanting casts this game / 40,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifact-LuckyClover.png Lucky Clover A perfectly shaped four-leaf clover. Each leaf is almost unnaturally identical to the other three. - Play as Elf and not as Dwarf.
Chance: ((Highest # of consecutive Elven Luck – 1) * 50)%
Файл:Mini-treasure.png Mini-treasure It's a small perfect replica of the old gold-filled treasure. - Play as Elf and not as Dwarf.
Chance: (# Clicks this game / 3,000,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifact-Pillarfragment.png Pillar Fragment A tiny piece of the legendary pillars which sustain all the Heavens.
Play as Angel and not as Dwarf.
Chance: (# Heaven's Gate / 3,750)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsDivineSword.png Divine Sword The shining golden sword of an Archangel. Its hilt feels pleasantly warm to the pure of heart, and burning hot for the villain. - Play as Angel and not as Dwarf.
at least 3 consecutive Angels runs (this R). See tips.
Chance: (Consecutive times allied with Angels this R / 60)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsAncientCoinPiece.png Ancient Coin Piece A common goblin lucky charm. The older it is, the luckier you are, or so they say. - Play as Goblin and not as Drow.
Chance: (#Faction Coins this R# / 50,000,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsGoblinPurse.png Goblin Purse Heavy and roomy. Definitely too big for just pocket change. - Play as Goblin and not as Drow.
Chance: (Tax Collection casts this game / 300,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifact-rottenorgan.png Rotten Organ Ew... disgusting. It still pulses. - Play as Undead and not as Drow.
Chance: (# Assistants / 500)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsJawBone.png Jaw Bone A jaw, missing more than half of its teeth.
Play as Undead and not as Drow.
at least 24h offline (this R)
Chance: (Offline playtime this R / 10d)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsDemonicFigurine.png Demonic Figurine An intricate figurine representing the evil face of a lesser demon. - Play as Demon and not as Drow.
at least 90% Trophies unlocked. See tips.
Chance: 1%
Файл:LoreArtifactsDemonHorn.png Demon Horn Still blazing with the flames of Hell. Handle with care. - Play as Demon and not as Drow.
at least 3 consecutive Demon runs (this R).
Chance: (Consecutive times allied with Demon this R / 60)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsHugeTitanStatue.png Huge Titan Statue The granite representation of a giant wielding a lightning bolt in its fist. A foot appears to be missing. - Play as Titan and not as Dragon.
Chance: (Lightning Strike casts this game / 1,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsTitanShield.png Titan Shield A gargantuan metal shield, twice as tall as a common human. - Play as Titan and not as Dragon.
at least 10h playtime (This game)
Chance: (Playtime this game / 50h)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsGlyphTable.png Glyph Table Contains all the secrets of the Druidic Alphabet. - Play as Druid and not as Dragon.
same amount of each building tier.
Chance: 2%
Файл:LoreArtifactsStoneOfBalance.png Stone of Balance A carved stone hovering above its pedestal. - Play as Druid and not as Dragon. See tips.
Chance: (Grand Balance Casts this game / 30,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsTranslucentGoo.png Translucent Goo A completely odorless sticky substance with a diaphanous, unsettling glow. - Play as Faceless and not as Dragon.
Chance: (Brainwave casts this game / 400)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsOctopus-shapedHelmet.png Octopus-shaped Helmet A large helmet with empty metal prongs to accomodate tentacular appendages. - Play as Faceless and not as Dragon.
Chance: (# Labyrinths / 2,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsDwarvenBow.png Dwarven Bow Actually a heavy throwing hammer. - Play as Dwarves.
Chance: (# clicks this game / 25,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifact-stone-tankard.png Stone Tankard A very heavy mug for drinking the heaviest beers. - Play as Dwarves.
Chance: (# Inns / 25,000)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsCeremonialDagger.png Ceremonial Dagger Its blade is unnaturally keen and sharp. - Play as Drow,
0 clicks (This Game)
Chance: 2%
Файл:LoreArtifactsArachnidFigurine.png Arachnid Figurine If you are afraid of spiders, Drow aren't your faction. - Play as Drow, and have
at least 1 day of evil playtime (all-time).
Chance: (All-time Evil playtime / 50d)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsSteelPlate.png Steel Plate A full plate made of hardened steel. - R5+, play as Mercenaries,
Chance: (#R / 50)%
Файл:LoreArtifactsBlackSword.png Black Sword A long sword with an extremely sharp blade made of dark metal. - Play as Mercenaries,
and 100 Merc affiliations (All-time)
Chance: (All-time Mercenary playtime / 16h 40m)%
Файл:DragonFang.png Dragon Fang This huge fang can barely fit in the hands of a Titan. - R50+, play as Dragons
Chance: (# Iron Strongholds / 400,000)%
Файл:DragonSoul.png Dragon Soul The extracted soul from an ancient dragon, wields the power to end the world in an instant. Also makes a good soup ingredient. - R50+, play as Dragons, have 5 different Dragon Breath effects active simultaneously.
Chance: (# Dragon Breath casts this game / 200,000)%
Файл:VanillaFlavorJuice.png Vanilla Flavor Juice An essence from extremely savory vanilla beans. Awards an upgrade of the same name that increases the production of all buildings by 25,000% for the first 15 minutes of the game (this game) for all Vanilla factions. Does not work while offline. R16+.
Chance: 20% in the first 5m of a game
Файл:KnowYourEnemyPart1.png Know Your Enemy, Part I All the knowledge you need stored in a handy book. Awards an upgrade of the same name that increases the production of all buildings based on time spent as Non-Mercenary. ("Time allied with..." in the stats)
R12+, play as Mercenaries, have upgrades from each 11 factions. See tips.
Chance: 10%
Файл:Voodoo doll.png Voodoo Doll You are now CURSED! And you feel a sting in your lower rear. Awards an upgrade of the same name that increases the production of all building by 0.1% for each trophy you have unlocked. Play as Evil
Chance: (number of Witch Conclaves / 10,000)%
Файл:WallFragment.png Wall Fragment (R40) A fragment of an utterly and completely unbreakable wall. Enjoy your paradox. Awards an upgrade of the same name that increases the production of all buildings based on their tier.
At least 1 Ascension
Chance: 10%
Файл:FortuneTeller.png Fortune Teller Machine Description changes every 30 seconds. - Not be allied to any faction.
Chance: 0.1%
Файл:Dawnstone.png Dawnstone Only found during sunrise hours. Emits a faint glow. With the Duskstone artifact, awards the Sun Force upgrade, which grants different effects based on time of the day. See details. Local time between 05:00 and 08:00
Chance: (Excavation count / 10,000)%
Файл:Duskstone.png Duskstone Only found during sunset hours. Absorbs light in a small radius. With the Dawnstone artifact, awards the Sun Force upgrade, which grants different effects based on time of the day. See details. Local time between 18:00 and 21:00
Chance: (Excavation count / 10,000)%
Ancient Heirloom Passed down countless generations Awards an upgrade of the same name that reduces the cost for upgrading Lineages for all except your highest one by 10% of its order of magnitude. Have at least 1 Lineage level purchased.

Chance: (Lineage Levels / 2000)%

Excavation Trophies & Upgrades
Names Type Cost Reward Requirements
Trophy-Archaeology-Expedition Archaeology Expedition Trophy - - 1st Excavation
Файл:PassageToTheUnderWorld.PNG Passage to the Underworld Faction Quest Upgrade 50 Qid (5E49) Starts the Drow and Dwarven Faction Quests See more here 200th Excavation
Файл:Realm Digger.png Realm Digger Trophy & Upgrade 100 Nod (1E62) Increases production of all buildings by 0.15% per excavation. 400th Excavation
Файл:SunForce.png Sun Force Misc Upgrade 1 Notg


PA: Free

Depending on the time, increases assistants, FC find chance, building production, or offline bonus. See details. Dawnstone & Duskstone artifacts

Source: Lore Artefacts Guide by daemonik92


Quest Artifacts:
  • Horn of the Kings: To reach excavations above 3250 to obtain the horn, use a high-producing dwarf build of your choice, substituting in E290.
  • Flame of Bondelnar: To reach excavations above 3250 to obtain the flame, see Flame Chance research build.

Lore Artifacts:

  • Stone of Balance, Translucent Goo, Bottled Voice, and Huge Titan Statue: Disable druid Challenge 4. For Stone of Balance, don't purchase the Druid spell upgrade Halls of Balance. Ensure you have enough mana regen to cast the spell the artifact is based on constantly. For Stone of Balance, enough casts of Grand Balance will come naturally when attempting Dragon Challenge 2, assuming that you don't affiliate with Dragon until after generating 1e10 mana.
  • Divine Sword, Demon Horn: Only the Faction Trade Treaty is required for an affiliation. You can check consecutive affiliations using Royal Scribe.
  • Undead Jaw Bone: The 3rd and 4th Drow Challenges do not increase your offline time outside of the run you use them on, and the artifact cannot be obtained with drow, so the challenges do not help obtain the jaw bone.
  • Demonic Figurine: The more RG adds trophies, the harder this will become. It now probably requires R23+, research and building trophies.
  • Know Your Enemy, Part I: This is related to the Harlequin Secret Trophy. See Joker merc build.
  • Dawn/Dusk Stone: The time used to check eligibility is your local system time.


  • Excavation chances: Artifact finds are based on your game's RNG seed, so you can test excavate in a private window and get the same results when excavating in your real game. For the same reason, using "Buy Max" or not, find chances are identical. Read more about excavation chances here.
  • Excavation Cap: Calculated for v1.6.50.4. Without any cost reductions value breaks on 3553rd excavation, so you can only buy up to 3552 excavations max. With only one of currently available reductions (Ancient egg, during Easter event / E290 research upgrade) cost value breaks on 4016th excavation (4015 excavs available). With both of currently available cost reductions value breaks on 4634th excavation (4633 excavs available). See calculations.
    As of v2. Post ascension maxes out at ~16,811 without using E290


  • Related RAB Tools: (courtesy of Pseudobyte and dox4242)
    • Lara Crypt is an Excavation Artifact RNG reader. RNGs persist through reincarnations.
    • The Save Editor allows you to check some hidden stats such as consecutive affiliations.

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